General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of SimpleTrain GmbH, September 2023

1. Services provided by SimpleTrain

SimpleTrain books tickets for national and international public transport connections (train, bus, ferries, etc.) on behalf of the Customer.

2. Conclusion of contract

The order to book tickets is concluded when the Customer accepts an offer from SimpleTrain. This acceptance can be made in the booking tool, by email or via other electronic communication channels.

If a booking is made in the online ticket shop, the booking is finalised by confirmation by email.

3. Contracting parties

The contract for the journey is concluded directly between the Customer and the respective transport company. SimpleTrain only handles the processing of the bookings. In the relationship between the Customer and the transport company, the general terms and conditions of the respective transport company apply.

4. Ticket prices

Prices quoted by SimpleTrain are approximate. The ticket prices at the time of booking apply. These may sometimes differ from the offer.

SimpleTrain advances the purchase price of the tickets in order to obtain the ticket price valid at the time of booking.

Ticket prices will be invoiced to the Customer after the booking and must be paid by the Customer to SimpleTrain immediately upon receipt of the invoice.

SimpleTrain will not deliver the tickets to the Customer until the invoice has been paid.

Invoices are issued in Swiss francs. Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax. Conversion fees will be charged for payments in foreign currencies. These are to be borne by the Customer.

5. SimpleTrain processing fee

SimpleTrain charges a processing fee for its services, which is defined in the offer. This will be invoiced at the same time as the ticket price.

6. Checking and validity of tickets

The Customer must check the delivered tickets within 72 hours of receipt and report any booking errors to SimpleTrain immediately. Otherwise, incorrect tickets cannot be returned and SimpleTrain will not assume any costs incurred by third-party providers (e.g. hotel, airlines).

The tickets are only valid for transport in accordance with the details printed on the tickets.

7. Rebookings and cancellations

Rebookings and cancellations are only possible in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the respective transport company, plus the processing time required by SimpleTrain.

SimpleTrain will also charge a processing fee for rebookings and cancellations.

8. Travel insurance

Travel insurance is the responsibility of the Customer and is strongly recommended.

9. Warranty and liability

SimpleTrain takes the necessary care when making bookings but excludes any warranty for the services of the transport companies.

SimpleTrain also excludes its liability if the non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment is due to

  • Failure or misconduct on the part of the Customer or a third party;

  • Force majeure (strike, unrest and warlike events, epidemics and pandemics, weather conditions, official measures, etc.);

  • Delays, train cancellations, accidents, etc.;

  • Or other events that could not have been foreseen by SimpleTrain.

The responsibility for claiming any refunds from a transport company lies with the Customer. In the case of refunds due to train cancellations, SimpleTrain will support the Customer at its own discretion.

SimpleTrain is not liable for consequential damages incurred by third-party providers (e.g. hotel, airlines) that customers have booked themselves.

In addition, any claims must be made to SimpleTrain no later than 4 weeks after the end of the trip, otherwise they are forfeited.

The limitation of warranty and liability does not apply to intent and gross negligence.

10. Data protection

SimpleTrain requires various data from the Customer and fellow travellers, such as first and last name and, depending on the booking, date of birth, address, telephone number, etc. SimpleTrain will only pass on this data if this is necessary to fulfil the contract with the transport companies. These may be located abroad.

SimpleTrain complies with the regulations on data protection, and Customers have the right to request information about all personal data processed by SimpleTrain at any time.

11. Applicable law

The relationship between the Customer and SimpleTrain is governed exclusively by Swiss law.