Immer aktuell mit dem SimpleTrain Newsletter
Hier kannst du unseren Newsletter abonnieren!
In unserem Newsletter verraten wir dir, welche Zugreise gerade besonders zu empfehlen ist und woran wir gerade arbeiten. Fßr wissensdurstige Zugfans gibt es zudem in jedem Newsletter einen Abschnitt mit Eisenbahn-Fachwissen. So bringt dich unser SimpleTrain Newsletter nicht nur immer auf den neusten Stand, sondern hilft dir auch beim nächsten Smalltalk Gespräche ßber das Wetter zu vermeiden.
Erfahre wo die Reise von SimpleTrain hinfĂźhrt.
I just want to find information about a journey.
You can find the most important information about offers and connections for your destination here.
I would like to make a specific inquiry for my journey.
Click here to go to our booking platform. Please note that a deposit of CHF 10 is required when making an inquiry. This amount will be deducted from your booking. There is no deposit for group travels.
Recently, a large number of inquiries without a subsequent booking has led to the SimpleTrain team being overloaded. As we do not want to compromise on service for our customers, we have therefore introduced a deposit of CHF 10 for inquiries. Donât worry: the amount will be credited to your SimpleTrain account and deducted from your next booking. If you have already booked a journey with us twice, no deposit is required for further inquiries.